I&M urges customers to prepare for severe weather season


With the season for severe weather about here, Indiana Michigan Power is reminding everyone to take steps to prepare themselves for emergencies.

I&M spokesperson Schnee Doyle tells us the biggest thing you can do is have a plan. She says family members should all know where to go in the house in the event of a tornado, and a plan should be in place to check on vulnerable loved ones.

Another big thing is to have an emergency kit ready.

“Include non-perishable food water, flashlights, batteries, battery-powered radio or television, and a cell phone with a charging bank so they can stay safe and connected,” Doyle said.

Doyle says you can also prepare your property for storms.

High winds can toss and topple lawn furniture, umbrellas, and even backyard trampolines right into power lines. We’ve seen that several times, including here in our area, where we’ve seen large items get tangled up into power lines after severe weather, and those do cause power outages.”

Doyle says I&M is constantly working to be ready for severe weather by paying close attention to the forecast and having restoration crews ready to go when there is an outage. The company is also always making upgrades to equipment.

Finally, Doyle reminds everyone to stay far away from downed power lines and to report them right away. There is a possibility of storms this weekend in Southwest Michigan, so now would be a good time to get ready.

You can learn more about severe weather preparedness right here.