Marijuana retailer coming to Benton Township


Benton Township will soon be getting its first marijuana retailer.

At their regular meeting this past week, the Benton Township Board of Trustees approved a permit application for 1034 Territorial Holdings for the new marijuana shop at 2390 Pipestone Road. It’s to be known as “the Krewe Cannabis Company.” Krewe managers Stephen Plaza and Chantell King told us they’re looking to provide customers with a relaxed environment.

Somewhere that they enjoy, that they’re having a good time,” King said. “We want to provide a place that’s almost like home. Home away from home, in a way.”

We’re kind of going for a fun retro vibe, almost like a throwback if you will to the good old days of the 70s,” Plaza said.

The Krewe applied for one of Benton Township’s five available marijuana retailer permits. Township Supervisor Cathy Yates told us township leaders grew more receptive to the idea of allowing marijuana businesses as they became more common.

Of course, we’re a little reluctant because there are people, some for it, some against it,” Yates said. “But we want to see what happens and they have some strict rules and we’ll be watching and making sure that the rules are followed.”

Township rules require any marijuana business to be a certain distance from schools and houses of worship. 2390 Pipestone is near the Pipestone ramp to I-94, a few properties south of the Bob Evans.

The application hit a small snag Tuesday as Township Clerk Carolyn Phillips noted the owner of the building is currently in a payment plan with the county for the 2022, 2023, and 2024 property taxes. Treasurer Debbie Boothby told him as long as the permit agreement stipulates the 2025 taxes will be paid on time, she’ll agree to it. That stipulation was placed in the agreement.

The 25,000 square foot building was purchased by Richard Plangger in 2021. The Krewe Cannabis is its first occupant, taking up about 3,000 square feet. Plangger told trustees with a tenant now secured for the building, his company will be able to catch up on the taxes. He later told us he’s exited this project has finally moved forward.

The Krewe Cannabis Company is expected to open the second week of April.