OutCenter files Freedom of Information Act request with city of Benton Harbor


The OutCenter Southwest Michigan has filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the city of Benton Harbor to obtain records related to the denial of its 2025 PrideFest permit application.

The city has declined to allow PrideFest to be held this year at Dwight P. Mitchell City Center Park, citing a new policy. That’s after a disruption at last year’s Pride Fest caused by demonstrators who heckled attendees.

OutCenter Director Mary Jo Schnell tells us the organization was proposing a new security plan for the June event when it learned the city wasn’t interested. She doesn’t believe blocking PrideFest because of outside agitators when the OutCenter wanted to work with the city sends a good message.

How it feels to me is they don’t want queer people in that park,” Schnell said. 

Schnell says the new city policy from City Manager Alex Little that blocks the PrideFest doesn’t seem genuine.

“It’s unconstitutional and it’s discrimination, and I don’t know what kind of policy they could develop with their city attorney’s input, according to Mr. Little at the last city commission meeting, that would allow for discrimination.”

The new policy, not yet approved by the full Benton Harbor City Commission, states that only government-related events can be held at City Center Park.

When asked if The OutCenter is considering legal action over the issue, Schnell said she doesn’t want to see that, and no one needs it. She would rather find common ground with the city by talking with commissioners.