Red Arrow Highway to undergo construction work beginning March 6


Red Arrow Highway in Chikaming Township will be closed to through traffic starting Thursday, March 6.

Berrien County Road Department communications coordinator Adri Boone tells us this closure is part of a larger project that began in late 2024 focusing on joint repairs, and now continues with road resurfacing.

“For the most part, what you’re going to see is a roadway reconfiguration.,”Boone says. “So that’s going to go from the existing four lanes to a three lane configuration. There will be the drainage improvements and additionally the road resurfacing, along with the continuation of the non-motorized trail on the lake side of Red Arrow Highway.”

The initial phase of the project involves replacing culverts. The first replacement will occur between Acron Path and Lakeside Road, followed by the second between Lakeside Drive and Brown Road. Both of these areas will have a hard closure, with plans to reopen for through traffic by May 1, 2025.

“Those are where those hard closures are going to be in place starting March 6, until we are able to progress in replacing the culverts and getting the road reopened,” Boone says. “That’s where we estimate May 1st we’ll have that reopened to through traffic. But with that being said, the entirety of the project we anticipate being completed by November 1st, but that includes even restoration work, grass seed.”

For those not heading to a local business or property, northbound traffic should take Union Pier Road to I-94, then Exit 12. Southbound traffic will need to use Sawyer Road to I-94 and Exit 6.

If you need to access a property or business, it’s recommended to approach from East Road or Warren Woods Road.