AAA issues safety alert about potholes


AAA of Michigan has issued a safety alert for Michigan drivers, urging them to watch out for potholes.

AAA spokesperson Adrienne Woodland says this is pothole season in the state, and the concrete craters can damage your vehicle’s tires, alignment, suspension, and shocks. First of all, she says slowing down and keeping a close eye on the road is the best way to protect yourself.

AAA also advises drivers to check their tires to make sure they have proper tread and pressure. Watch out for changes in your vehicle’s handling, increase following distances so you have more time to spot a pothole, and slow down to avoid hitting a pothole at a high speed.

If you hit a pothole, AAA says you should pay attention to any new or unusual noises or vibrations and get service quickly if you notice any.

According to a AAA survey, 50% of Michigan drivers consider potholes to be a major problem. Only 7% believe they’re not a problem at all.