New recall petitions have been filed against Benton Harbor Mayor Marcus Muhammad and City Commissioner SaTanna Warren. That word comes less than a week after the Berrien County Election Commission rejected previous recall language submitted against the two officials.
The Berrien County Clerk’s office tells us residents Dennie Brown, Tommie Earl Jackson, and Shari Szilagyi submitted the new language last week. Brown’s petition says Muhammad should be removed from office for operating without a civil service board. Jackson and Szilagyi have each submitted petition language stating Muhammad and Warren should be recalled for voting to appoint Alex Little as the city manager. They actually submitted multiple petitions stating the same, only with slightly different wording.
The clerk’s office tells us the Berrien County Election Commission will hold a hearing on the clarity of the language on these petitions on March 12 at 9 a.m. It’s also scheduled clarity hearings for petition language filed against Commissioners Edward Isom and Sharon Henderson on Friday.