More local control coming to AEP Foundation

The AEP Foundation, the charitable arm of Cook nuclear power plant owner American Electric Power, will be making some changes to allow more targeted investment in Southwest Michigan.
Cook plant Chief Nuclear Officer Kelly Ferneau tells us she’s excited the changes coming.
We are going to be starting to communicate how to apply for those funds,” Ferneau said. “It’s for non-profit organizations. So that’s something I’m pretty excited to support here from the Cook plant because our community is very important to us. That’s where we all live. That’s where we work. And it used to be more controlled by AEP overall, but those funds have been sent down to the Cook plant now. So, I’m pretty excited to have a lot more control.”
Ferneau says more information will be released in the near future providing details how the new arrangement with more local control of grants will be working. She says it makes sense to allow more local control as Cook plant staff are here in the community and are in the best position to understand the need.
Ferneau  says the AEP Foundation pools donations from all over the community, allowing a greater impact for even small contributions. She tells local non-profits to keep their eyes and ears open for new opportunities to receive support.