Benton Harbor City Clerk Tiffany Moore has been named the city’s assistant city manager.
At a Monday meeting of the Benton Harbor City Commission, the appointment was made on the recommendation of City Manager Alex Little.
However, Commissioner Ethel Clark Griffin had some questions. She wanted to know how much the move will cost the city, and how Moore will be able to handle two important jobs at the same time.
“There’s a big election coming, a big important election coming, and that’s going to be more duties, including the duties that she already has as nine of us being her employer,” Clark Griffin said.
Mayor Marcus Muhammad said the resolution naming Moore assistant manager clearly states that the move will have no financial impact. He added commissioners have to designate an assistant city manager.
“The charter says — Section 3.17 of the city charter states — the manager, subject to the approval of the commission, should name one of the directors, which the city clerk is — directors of departments — assistant city manager,” Muhammad said.
Muhammad said the assistant manager is only called upon to serve if the city manager is absent for some reason.
In the end, commissioners approved the appointment with Commissioners Clark Griffin and Emma Kinnard voting no.