Public survey gathering splash pad input for Warren Dunes


Area residents are invited to help with the design of a new splash pad area at Warren Dunes State Park.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation, is in the early stages of exploring building a splash pad at the park and they’re asking for your input.

Park Manager Drew Montgomery says they’re seeking the public’s thoughts to help create a space that will enhance the park experience for visitors of all ages. He says they’re looking for any and all ideas, within reason.

“Mostly what you’d like to see. The concept drawing will have overhangs of different styles of the pad itself. Then it comes with overhang umbrellas and tents and canopies and things like that. What you would like to see on it, cost-wise, will play a big factor.”

Montgomery says the driving benefit from having a splash pad at Warren Dunes is safety. When the waves are too rough for the toddlers, the idea is to still give younger beachgoers something safe to visit and play on.

The plan is to gather public input by early February, refine the design, engineer a plan, run it through approvals at the DNR, and then break ground in the Fall of 2025. There’s money in the DNR budget — how much will be used depends on the final design.

A public meeting is set for Wednesday, January 15 at 4:00 PM at the Weko Beach House, 5301 Lake Street in Bridgman. You can also take the survey online at