A new poll from the University of Michigan’s Mott Children’s Hospital shows some parents still spank their kids, while others use threats and bribes.
The survey shows about 40% of parents sometimes use spanking for discipline, which may lead to defiance and aggression as the children get older. Lead researcher Dr. Susan Woolford says parents of really young kids should just ignore them sometimes.
“And particularly with the young ones, the one-year-olds, where they may do things that you don’t want them to do, but they’re really not trying to intentionally misbehave,” Woolford said. “So redirection is a great approach then, and then try to engage them in some activity and then try to engage them in some activity that it’s safe and appropriate for them to do.”
Woolford says empty threats undermine trust and credibility and aren’t usually effective. She says consistency is key to shaping long term behavior.