The city of St. Joseph is in strong financial shape, according to its latest audit.
St. Joe City Commissioners heard the audit results this week. Jamie Wilke of Lauterbach and Amen, LLP told commissioners there were no material findings, which means the accounts were in order and accurate.
“We have issued what we call an unmodified, or clean audit opinion,” Wilke said. “That is the highest level opinion that any auditor can issue each year to any local government.”
Wilke said most city funds grew in the most recent fiscal year.
“The general fund itself did have a positive operating year as well. Fund balance increased about a million dollars. Fund balance increased about a million dollars. Ending fund balance represents about six months of operations for the city.
The sewer, water, and marina funds were all up, and revenues came in about $670,000 over budget.
Wilke said the city paid down about $300,000 in debt last year while making substantial investments in capital assets, to the tune of about $15 million. She noted the largest expense for the city is the same as it is for many cities — public safety.
Wilke added the city’s pension liabilities are about 91% funded, which she characterized as good. She commended city Finance Director Benjamin Reynnells for the work he’s done to manage the accounts.