Hagar Township Trustees considering marijuana ordinance


The Hagar Township Board of Trustees is working on an ordinance to govern marijuana dispensaries in case they ever come to the community.

Township Supervisor Izzy DiMaggio tells us the ordinance is intended to ensure marijuana businesses don’t get out of control.

We still need to clean it up a little bit, perhaps at our next meeting.” DiMaggio said. “Basically what we’re doing is just putting in some protection for our township in the event that somebody tries to come up with a petition drive or something like that.”

The ordinance would only allow marijuana retail businesses, and not growing or distribution operations. It would also only allow the retailers in areas zoned commercial or light industrial.

And there’s restrictions too, of course, like so many feet away from a church or a school or things of those natures, even if it’s close to a commercial area. So those restrictions for that — it’s a very restrictive ordinance, let’s put it that way.”

DiMaggio says there aren’t a whole lot of retail or light industrial areas in Hagar Township.

The ordinance will likely come before the full township board in the next couple of months.