St. Joseph Commissioners hear complaints about weekend protesters


St. Joseph City Commissioners have been asked to look into what they can do about disruptive protesters who hang around the downtown farmers market each Saturday.

At a Monday meeting, residents spoke out during public comments, telling commissioners these anti-abortion protesters carry signs with graphic images that disturb not only visitors to the market but the market vendors. One woman said it’s not fair.

It’s my opinion that when vendors are paying money to have a table, they should be given the grace and the opportunity to make as much money as possible. And the people that have been dispersing themselves throughout the downtown area with their hideous signs, children should not be forced to see and mothers should not be forced to have a conversation with their young ones about what those represent.”

Another resident said the protesters use their children to try to engage passersby.

Commissioners were asked if the farmers market could be designated as a private event at Lake Bluff Park, kind of like the Krasl Art Fair has been in the past. That way, something could be done about keeping out disruptions.

Commissioners have been asked about this before, and this time there was a response. City Attorney Laurie Schmidt read a statement saying the U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, assembly, and religion, something that’s been affirmed several times by the Supreme Court. With Lake Bluff Park being a public space, she said there’s essentially nothing the city can do outside of limited circumstances.

Commissioners were warned the farmers market may lose vendors because of the protesters.