Bangor High school Athletics are the recipients of a $5,000 grant from T-Mobile.
High schools around the country this season entered competed in a Friday Night 5G Lights sweepstakes, posting on Instagram photos of their school spirit during football games.
Bangor Athletic Director Fred Smith says they money they’ve won will be used to help the athletics program where needed.
“We’re using some of it for some football tackling wheels, some football equipment,” Smith said. “We’re got plenty of things we can use it on.”
The top 16 finalists move on to the next round to try and win the ultimate prize, a $2 million stadium upgrade. Smith says that would be great for Bangor’s stadium as it’s in need of some upgrades.
“I would be shocked and in tears if we won.”
Those wanting to help support the Bangor school district as it seeks the grand prize can share their best moments with Bangor sports on Instagram using the hashtags #FN5GL and #Sweepstakes.