The United Way of Southwest Michigan is preparing for its next Whirlpool Appliance Sale, and the event this time will be in a better venue.
The United Way’s Zack East tells us previous appliance sales were typically held at various Whirlpool properties, but they often weren’t designed for what the United Way was doing. Ahead of the sale slated for October 12 and 13, Clark Logic offered to let the United Way use a building it owns at 211 Hilltop in St. Joseph.
“The space that we’re in is actually a former Whirlpool space,” East said. “There was a space in the building that was a call center at one point, and this one is, I think, another workspace that also has an actual loading dock and several wide open areas to put a lot of the larger appliances.”
East says with this large space that Clark has been renovating, the appliance sale can stock more items and buyers will be able to load them more easily.
So, what will they be selling?
“There will be over 300 plus appliances from Maytag, Whirlpool, KitchenAid, and then another inclusion this year which doesn’t often show up is that we will have some Gladiator GarageWorks product.”
The United Way’s Whirlpool Appliance Sale always features items from the Whirlpool warehouses that are in perfect working order but can’t be sold via the normal methods. Money raised from the sale goes to the Whirlpool United Way campaign each year.
East says you can check USWM.org to get a preview of the appliance sale and sign up for updates and alerts.