Silver Beach Playground fundraiser reaches 90% mark


The fundraising effort to support the Silver Beach Playground Project has reached the 90% mark.

The Berrien County Parks Department is seeking to raise a total of $1.25 million for the new playground, an effort that got started with an $850,000 state grant.

Parks Director Jill Adams told us last month the plan is for construction to begin this fall, regardless of whether the goal has been reached. Those who contribute now, though, are helping make the new playground even more special.

As we get closer to our goal, we’re able to fulfill more and more of those objects on the project list,” Adams said.

So, if they don’t reach the goal, some items originally planned might not come to fruition.

Adams says more than 100 organizations and individuals have stepped up to contribute to the effort, and anyone can chip in online. A special project fund is set up at Berrien Community Foundation, and donations can be made at

With 90% of the needed funds now raised, they still have about $125,000 to go.

The plan is to have the new playground finished by next summer.