Benton Harbor High School receives AED


Benton Harbor Area Schools has received the donation of an automatic external defibrillator.

On Friday, state Representative Joey Andrews presented the new AED to Benton Harbor High School. District Superintendent Kelvin Butts said the device will help keep students safe.

It’s a true testament of our continued partnership with our local legislature all the way up to the state government,” Butts said. “We’re grateful to have one of these and thank you for championing our school district for receiving this and making sure that the students in our various schools have what they need to be successful at all times.”

Legislation approved last year sought to ensure Michigan schools maintain AEDs and make them accessible within one to three minutes during a cardiac emergency. In celebration of the new law, the NFL donated 50 AEDs for Michigan lawmakers to distribute to schools in their districts. Andrews chose Benton Harbor.

Andrews said Friday he’s grateful the students, staff, and administration at Benton Harbor High School will now be better protected.

AEDs are portable medical devices that can analyze the heart’s rhythm and if necessary, deliver an electrical shock or defibrillation to help the heart get back to rhythm.