Clerk’s office expecting busy Election Day Tuesday


The Berrien County Clerk’s office has a few things to share with voters as Tuesday’s election approaches.

Clerk Sharon Tyler tells us early voting is now underway, although turnout has been slow. She expects more people will show up to vote early as the option becomes better-known. There are two early voting locations being offered by the county clerk’s office. You can learn more right here.

As for Election Day itself, Tyler has advice for voters who support write-in candidates.

We have a lot of write-ins and what happens with write-ins, people get excited and put the name in as the write-in and then they forget to color in the oval,” Tyler said. “Make sure you color in the oval. Otherwise, that vote does not count. And we want to make sure that all votes count.”

Tyler says write-in candidates do have to file with the clerk’s office and follow an official process. Those that don’t simply won’t be counted.

A lot of people say, ‘I wrote my name in on the ballot.’ Unless it’s a legitimate write-in, we won’t know how many votes you received.”

Tyler reminds everyone not to cross party lines in the primary, meaning you can only vote in one party’s primary. Crossing over will spoil that section of your ballot.

Also, remember to bring a photo ID. If you forget your ID, you’ll have to sign a document affirming your identity and then return later to prove it.

Election results will be posted to the clerk’s website next Tuesday as they become available.