The city of Hartford is looking at its options for maintaining a local police force after controversy erupted last week when the city council scheduled a meeting to disband the police department.
The council scheduled but then canceled a meeting that would have been Monday for the matter to be discussed. City Manager Nicole Brown later issued a statement promising residents would have a say in the future of the Hartford Police Department. She said staffing challenges prompted the discussion about dropping local police and contracting with the Van Buren County Sheriff’s Department.
Now Mayor Richard Hall has issued a statement, saying, “Due to performance issues, we recently parted ways with Police Chief Prince.” He says the city has appointed Sergent Phil Lucas as the interim police chief.
Hall continues that in the coming weeks staff will develop “a long-term plan for preserving our police department, partnering with the Van Buren County Sheriff’s Department and Tribal Police to help provide 24/7 coverage.” He adds the city hasn’t had that in more than a year.
Hall says city leadership is “unwavering in our commitment to rebuilding the culture and integrity of our police department,” and will work to keep the city safe as it does so.