County Commissioners approve Red Arrow Highway work


The Berrien County Board of Commissioners has approved a contract with the Michigan Department of Transportation for work along Red Arrow Highway in Chikaming Township that will put another section of the road on a diet.

At their regular meeting Thursday, the board authorized the work on Red Arrow Highway from Berrien Street to Lakeshore Drive that will include replacement of the pavement, curb and drain work, and new guardrails. The road will also be changed into three lanes with a center turn lane from its current four lanes.

The board’s resolution notes the county has already accepted a state Transportation Alternatives Program grant for the Red Arrow Linear Park, the paved trail along the side of Red Arrow Highway that will eventually stretch from New Buffalo to Bridgman. This paving project makes way for that.

The work approved Thursday comes at a cost of about $4.5 million with $2.6 in federal and state funds and $1.8 million in county funds and could be done this year.