Caring Connection awarded grant for new playground


Caring Connection has received a $10,000 grant from the KFC Foundation to complete a playground at its Empowerment Center, formerly the Cora Lamping Center for Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence

Caring Connection operates the only domestic violence shelter in Berrien County. Development Assistant Loretta Hillock said the organization was elated to hear the news of the grant for the playground.

We’re absolutely, wonderfully surprised that we received $10,000 from them to finish the playground,” Hillock said.

The playground will be used by children and families staying at the shelter, enabling them space to get exercise, fresh air, and interaction time.

We’re just trying to support the community and advocate for helping the families who are  staying at the shelter to be able to have some outside time to help the kids to get the fresh air they need, that type of thing. I think that the playground is just going to be a wonderful addition.”

Kentucky Fried Wishes, one of the KFC Foundation’s community giving programs, is funding $1 million to 100 non-profits nationwide this year.