Benton Harbor man sentenced to seven years in gun case


A Benton Harbor man has been sentenced to more than seven years in prison for possessing a stolen firearm with a high-capacity magazine as a convicted felon.

U.S. Attorney Mark Totten says 30-year-old Darell William Craft, Jr. was charged last October under Safe Summer 2023, a gun-violence enforcement program.

Totten says in July of last year, following a series of apparently related shootings, police approached a parked car with Craft and his girlfriend inside. They searched it and found a loaded pistol with a high-capacity magazine. They also searched Craft’s girlfriend’s phone and found videos of Craft holding and pointing the pistol. Ballistics testing showed the pistol had been used in three recent shootings.

Craft was charged with possessing a stolen firearm while on probation for a prior conviction. He was sentenced this week to 88 months in federal prison.

Judge Paul Maloney imposed a sentence above the advisory sentencing range, adding that Craft presented “a major risk to the law-abiding public.”

Totten says the case is an example of how his office is taking gun crimes seriously and working to get illegal guns off the streets.