Coloma Township voters to consider several ballot proposals


When voters head to the polls on August 6, Coloma Township residents will have several large ballot proposals to consider.

The township is seeking an increase of 4.5 mills in its police protection millage. That extra 4.5 mills would raise an estimated $1.2 million per year for the police department, and the levy would be for four years.

The township is also seeking an increase of one mill in its fire protection millage. That would raise an extra $277,000 in each of the four years being requested.

Coloma Township is asking for a 0.5 mill increase in its ambulance services millage, generating another $138,000 per year for four years.

Finally, the township is seeking a renewal and increase of its streets and roads millage. The requested increase is about 0.5 mills to bring it to a total of 1 mill. That would raise about $277,000 per year for road repairs.

Coloma Township is just one of many Southwest Michigan municipalities seeking new millages or millage renewals on August 6. We’ll be previewing all of them in the coming weeks.