County clerk issues reminder about campaign signs


Berrien County Clerk Sharon Tyler has some reminders for those involved in political campaigns heading to the August primaries.

Speaking to the Berrien County Board of Commissioners Thursday, Tyler said there are rules for campaign signs that are always violated.

Signs after the election must be removed within 10 days,” Tyler said. “Signs must be 30 feet from the edge of the roadway, white line for highways that do not have barrier types. As I’ve been driving by, a lot of people are putting them in that road easement. Get them out because your road department, our road department, local road departments, and the state will remove them. They will hold them for a while, and there may be consequences you have to deal with.”

Tyler said she’s heard complaints about campaign signs being zip-tied to road signs, which is not allowed.

Tyler also reiterated her message from this week that her office is not the place to call when a campaign sign doesn’t include disclaimers about funding. Those complaints should go to the Michigan Elections Bureau.