Whirlpool volunteers improve Benton Harbor’s Yarbrough Park


The Whirlpool Foundation held its third annual Day of Impact on Thursday, working revitalize Charles Yarbrough Park in Benton Harbor.

For the last three years, Whirlpool Corporation has worked alongside the city to improve neighborhoods and create a more inclusive community through park revitalization initiatives. Those initiatives include Union Park in 2022 and June Woods Park in 2023.

Whirlpool Foundation managing director Deb O’Connor says the two parties are continuing to make these local parks destinations for all to see.

In the three years that we’ve done it, we can look back and see the results,” O’Connor said. “We’re not just picking weeds and mowing lawns. We’re really making changes. It’s been a really good transition for both of those parks, and when we look at this one, we have a beautiful river, so people can come down and fish. We’re really looking forward to it.”

Work at the Yarbrough park will include installation of new ADA-accessible sidewalks, new benches, picnic tables, and grills, re-mulching of the playground, and new flower beds. In addition, there will be a new restroom pavilion that will be built in early August with completion anticipated for the fall.

Benton Harbor Mayor Marcus Muhammad says as Yarbrough Park is in the heart of the city, he hopes that this project reflects the relationship between Whirlpool and the city of Benton Harbor for many generations to come.

We look forward to impacting generations who are unborn, We look forward to impacting generations who are unborn, those who are toddlers today who feel the impact of what we do in this park in real time.”

Whirlpool Foundation has supported the completion of the revitalization of two parks as part of CEO Marc Bitzer’s Racial Equality Pledge and commitment to create a healthier and more inclusive community in Benton Harbor.