Cass County Prosecutor marking Crime Victim’s Rights Week


The Cass County Prosecutor’s Office is marking Crime Victims’ Rights Week this week.

Cass County Prosecutor Victor Fitz tells us the goal is to promote service, trust, and hope by remembering those who have been lost and honoring the ones they left behind.

“Crime Victim Rights Week gives us a chance to recognize those in particular who have lost their lives to violent crime in our county,” Fitz said. “This is really a remembrance that’s practiced throughout the state of Michigan and really throughout the country.”

As part of Crime Victims’ Rights Week, Fitz says artwork from elementary students around Cass County will be on display. The designs are from an annual student art competition.

These are used then for our Going to Court booklet, which helps kids who have to go to the court system either as a witness or a victim. Some very creative artwork is used to put that book together. So that will be on display throughout the week at the Law and Courts building in front of the prosecutor’s office as well as other parts of the Law and Courts building.”

The Annual Flagpole Ceremony will be Thursday to remember those who have lost their lives to violent crime. The ceremony will feature a vigil, a guest speaker, and music. It’ll be at 12:15 p.m. in front of the Cass County Law and Courts Building in Cassopolis, and everyone’s invited.

Fitz says it’s important to think of crime victims as more than just a statistic, noting he’s seen many tears shed by those who have lost a loved one.