A school bus driver who transports disabled children to and from classes has been honored with this year’s Berrien RESA Special Education Parent Advisory Committee Excellence in Education Award.
RESA Superintendent Eric Hoppstock tells us Henry McNeily received his award this month.
“He’s based in Berrien Springs, but he transports our autism spectrum disorder students to Coloma Elementary,” Hoppstock said. “He was just recognized as saying, even though they are students with disabilities, he sees past those and he treats them with just the utter most respect and kindness as he delivers them day in and day out.”
Hoppstock says parents have remarked that McNeily is the best bus driver their child has had.
“The bus driver is your introduction to your school day and sort of your winddown at the end of the school day. So, they really do play an important role.”
This was the 20th year for the Special Education Parent Advisory Committee Excellence in Education Award, and McNeily won out of 17 nominees.
The PAC is made up of two representatives from each school district in Berrien County. The committee works with Berrien RESA to discuss special education and creates an additional link between Berrien RESA and the local school districts.