Housing development coming together in Bridgman


The Bridgman City Council is moving toward approval of a new housing development on vacant property south of Lake Street along Church Street.

City Manager Juan Ganum tells us the Lannert Group is proposing more than 60 lots for the Bridgman Trails development. He says these aren’t McMansions.

The homes are characterized by smaller — not small, but smaller — lots than what is typically found in Bridgman and many other communities, hence the reason for the PUD, the Planning Development Regulations, which lessen the restrictions for setbacks,” Ganum said.

Ganum says a highlight of the project would be major drainage work to prevent flooding. Lannert is proposing an on-site drainage pond incorporating a bio-swale that slows down runoff.

More than 80% of the lots will feature views of woods or natural landscapes.

A sizable area of the property will be retained as essentially undeveloped space, with the exception of trails, unpaved trails that are cut through the woods, and that’s a partnership with the school system and other surrounding property owners.”

Ganum says the city council this past week held a first reading on a Planned Unit Development designation for the site. The second and final reading would be on the first Monday in April.

Ganum says the city council identified the development of housing as a major priority, and he’s pleased members are using innovations like PUDs to help the process.

Some initial site work for the new neighborhood could start in the coming weeks with construction beginning later this year.