Michigan’s new gun laws took effect this month, and that’s prompted the Berrien County Board of Commissioners to consider how this could affect the county budget.
Speaking to colleagues Thursday, Commissioner Jim Curran said the administration committee this week heard from Judge Mabel Mayfield, who addressed the new red flag law, in particular.
With the red flag law, persons deemed a danger to themselves or others could have their firearms confiscated by police through an emergency risk protection order. Curran said that raises a question.
“There was also a discussion, and that’s confiscating weapons from people,” Curran said. “What to do with those weapons. Who’s going to retain them? That type of thing. That’s all being worked through the court. Really, she said it’s up to the judge who hears that particular item.”
Board Chair Mac Elliott said the county doesn’t have a proper storage facility for confiscated guns. He suggested Michigan State Police should be responsible for those items.
“The burden on the sheriff’s department means it’s a burden on the taxpayers in Berrien County,” Elliott said. “If the state police posts are tasked with it, at least it gets spread across the state.
Curran said his understanding from Judge Mayfield is that the police agency that seizes the gun is responsible for it.
Elliott suggested there be more discussion of that question on the state level.