The Benton Township Board of Trustees this week approved some changes to the employee handbook to make management of staff simpler. One change would make township employees at-will employees, rather than “just cause” employees.
Township attorney Andy Gordon told us what that means.
“At-will basically is just a legal classification where an employee or the employer can terminate the employment relationship, and what the courts typically say is for any reason or for no reason at all, as long as it’s not an unlawful reason,” Gordon said. “In just-cause, it’s more typical of a union contract. That just means if there’s going to be discipline or termination of an employee for misconduct, then it’s subject to principles of just cause.”
That would include things like arbitration. Clerk Carolyn Phillips said that has proven costly and time consuming in the past. However, Treasurer Debbie Boothby disagreed with the change from “just cause” to at-will employees.
“Every four years, there’s an opportunity of turnover for the employees,” Boothby said. “At-will could leave the employees open to indiscriminate termination, and I just have a problem with that.”
Most workers in the United States are employed on an at-will basis.
Also changed this week was the paid time off model for township employees. Now, instead of having separate sick days and vacation days, both things will be merged into one category.
Boothby voted against the changes with the rest of the board voting in favor.