St. Joseph Township planners table the latest proposal for the Nye’s Apple Barn site


The latest proposal for the development of the Nye’s Apple Barn property at 3151 Niles Road in St. Joseph Township has been tabled by the St. Joseph Township Planning Commission.

Previously, property owner John Nye had proposed multi-family housing units, two restaurants, and a gas station on the 12-acre property. However, that idea died before the planning commission last year.

Nye and attorney Pat Lennon were back before planners Thursday night with a more modest proposal to rezone half of the property from R1 Residential to B2 Business, a general business district. There is not yet any specific development planned beyond that.

Lennon said given how other properties along that stretch of Niles Road have developed, changing the zoning to allow for a business — at least along the frontage — makes sense.

“This property is not correctly zoned,” Lennon said. “So, the question becomes what is the right zone? We think it’s B2.”

The proposal included a list of conditions that would restrict future development of the site. They included a new access road and a 30-foot setback between the area zoned residential and the area zoned business.

The meeting was packed with nearby residents opposed to the idea. Their concerns included traffic, crime, and property values.

The planning commission indicated tentative support for the plan, but tabled the matter until it can get a clarified list of conditions.