Legislation seeks to ensure inmates have personal identification documents upon release


Most legally free Michiganders possess their vital records, but some people recently coming back to society after incarceration do not. A package of bills in the Michigan Legislature would ensure the Michigan Department of Corrections and Secretary of State provide those returning to society with their birth certificate and driver’s license or state ID, and then also work with the federal government to provide their Social Security card.

Chuck Warpehoski of Michigan Collaborative to End Mass Incarceration says people hoping for a fresh start in society after prison often can’t get a break.

“Often as part of somebody’s parole conditions, they’re told, hey, you’ve got to get your own apartment, you’ve got to get your own job. You can’t do that if you don’t have your birth certificate and state ID or driver’s license.”

Warpehoski says making sure everybody comes home with vital documents from day one gives people a jump start on re-establishing themselves, staying out of trouble and successfully returning to society.

While Warpehoski says the success rate of giving people their documents for re-entry at the time of their parole or discharge in Michigan is 98 or 99%, the legislation would ensure that success is maintained even with a change of administration.

Warpehoski suggests that people reach out to their state senator about the issue.