Benton Township approves permit for resort cabin community


Benton Township Trustees have approved a special use permit for a new development that will feature vacation cabins for rent.

Speaking at a meeting this week, township building official Chris Fuchs said the owner of B&Z Excavating has plans to turn property at 4545 Territorial into short-term rentals.

“They’re combining three large parcels, total acreage approaching 30 acres, and putting in a resort community of short-term rental small cabins,” Fuchs said. “The planning commission took a look at it. It sounds like and it looks like a very interesting project. The planning commission came back with a couple of requests and their recommendation was unanimously to approve this.”

The planning commission requested a 30 foot buffer setback on the property and that the property remain under one owner. They also sought a site plan.

The developers say they picture the cabins being useful in the summer for visitors to southwest Michigan looking for accommodations for a couple of days at a time. They’re planning to call the development Sandblox Resort in honor of the property’s legacy as a sand pit and block factory.

Trustee Linda Scarbrough said she’s excited for the development, adding it’s a good fit for the Millburg area.