Open house held to celebrate Sheriff Paul Bailey ahead of retirement


Berrien County Sheriff Paul Bailey was honored this week at an open house as his retirement nears.

Bailey’s last day as sheriff will be Sunday. Then he steps down, one year before his term was to end.

The open house was held Wednesday at the Fraternal Order of Police lodge in St. Joseph with supporters giving Bailey a festive sendoff. State Senator Aric Nesbitt presented Bailey with a state proclamation signed by himself and state Representatives Pauline Wendzel, Joey Andrews, and Brad Paquette commending the sheriff for his service.

Bailey has been in law enforcement since 1979 and has served as sheriff since 2001.

As Bailey steps down, Undersheriff Chuck Heit will take on the role of interim sheriff until an election for sheriff is held. Stepping into the role of undersheriff will be current Chief Deputy Greg Sanders.

Bailey has told us he wants to spend more time with his grandkids. He said at the open house he’s already planning a trip to Ireland.

Pictured: Nesbitt and Bailey