Huizenga backing new commission to study federal spending


Congressman Bill Huizenga is backing legislation that would create a special commission tasked with reducing federal spending.

Huizenga tells us the Fiscal Commission Act of 2023 would establish the bipartisan body to come up with a plan. He says the nation’s finances need to be put in order before important programs face mandatory cuts.

“Sadly, unfortunately, Congress has  proven that they are not very good at doing this on their own without prompting, and this commission would be charged with coming up with recommendations,” Huizenga said. “It would go to the House floor and the Senate with a must vote without any amendments. So, it can’t be changed, it can’t be modified.”

Huizenga testified about the act before the House Budget Committee this week.

Under the plan, the commission would craft a package of recommendations to both improve the fiscal situation in the medium term and to achieve a sustainable debt-to-GDP ratio in the long term. For any recommendations related to federal programs for which a federal trust fund exists, like Social Security, the Commission would have to improve their solvency for a period of 75 years.

Huizenga says getting this legislation approved will be difficult, but it has bipartisan backing in both chambers of Congress.