Buchanan Commissioners to discuss city manager status Wednesday


A meeting is set for Wednesday for the Buchanan City Commission to consider the employment status of City Manager Ben Eldridge.

Eldridge has been suspended since early November. Mayor Sean Denison says he suspended Eldridge due to workplace complaints that needed to be investigated.

At a Monday meeting, City Commissioner Dan Vigansky attempted to bring the city manager back.

“I so move right now that we bring city manager Ben Eldridge back to work so that we can get on with city business,” Vigansky said. “We’ve been without him for three weeks, and most everything that I’m being told — I’m not doing any of the arithmetic or the math or any of the reading on this — but I’m being told pretty regularly that the mayor really overstepped his bounds. I just want to make the motion, and I’d like to see a second.”

Vigansky said he wants to hear the city manager’s side of the story. Commissioners rejected Vigansky’s motion and instead scheduled Wednesday’s meeting. It’s set for 7 p.m.