South Haven approves advance to two recreation projects


A couple of projects of the South Haven Area Recreation Authority have gotten a boost from the city of South Haven.

At a meeting last week, the city council voted to advance $100,000 to the authority for the new Phoenix Street kayak launch and the 14th Avenue Recreation Fields. City Manager Kate Hosier told members the projects are being largely funded with grants, but there’s a gap between when the grant dollars are awarded and when construction will be done.

“The ask tonight is will the city lend or advance SHARA $100,000 to cover the construction costs for these two projects?”

South Haven Township has also advanced funds to the recreation authority for the work. Hosier said the kayak launch, in particular, ought to be a nice addition to the community.

“This was positioned out there so you could float or paddle into South Haven and that there could be a shuttle or delivery service that could take you back, utilizing the river more than it has been,” Hosier said.

The council approved the advance to the South Haven Area Recreation Authority while noting the city has a surplus that covers it. The advance would be returned to the city before the end of the fiscal year.