If you have unused prescription medication and you want to get rid of it, this Saturday is national Prescription Drug Take Back Day.
You can take those medications to state police posts or other police agencies, according to Michigan State Police Lieutenant Rene Gonzalez.
“This allows the public to bring their unused, old prescription medications and drop them off at our posts, or any other police agency or Rite Aid or Walgreen’s will do that as well,” Gonzales said.
Gonzalez says it’s good day to safely dispose of drugs so they are not abused by other family members.
Locally, Corewell says there will be two drop-off locations for medications on Saturday. They will be Corewell Health Lakeland Hospital on Napier Avenue in St. Joseph and the Corewell Health Care Center on St. Joseph Avenue in Niles.
Everyone is welcome to stop by all day to dispose of expired prescriptions and other unwanted or unneeded medications so they don’t wind up in the wrong hands.