The Berrien County Board of Commissioners has applied for a $1.6 million grant to continue work on the Red Arrow Highway Linear Trail.
At a Thursday meeting, the board approved an application for a state Transportation Alternative Program, or TAP grant, to complete the next phase of the project. This would install a new trail from Berrien Street to Lakeshore Road in Chikaming Township along the side of Red Arrow Highway.
Chikaming Township Supervisor David Bunte tells us about three miles of the trail are now finished in the township, and it’s been a hit.
“Overwhelming support of the community and use,” Bunty said. “The last section that they just completed, people couldn’t wait to get on it. It connects Harbert Park, it connects Harbert to Sawyer, it just is giving people the opportunity to safely walk, ride their bike, recreate.”
Bunte says if the TAP grant is approved, that’ll be another 2.7 miles of trail for township residents and visitors to enjoy.
The project has been a partnership between the Berrien County Road Department, the Southwest Michigan Planning Commission, and townships for several years.
“This linear park has been in the planning stages even before I can into office in 2016, trying to give people safe ways to recreate and get them off our roadways and to be able to get outside, walk ride, and enjoy our outdoors.”
The goal is for the Red Arrow Highway Linear Trail to eventually extend all the way from New Buffalo to Bridgman.
Bunte says the township assumes the responsibility of maintaining the trail, which isn’t a problem. He’s hoping the next phase of the work can be done next year alongside a project the road department already has planned for the road.
We’ll know if the county is approved for the TAP grant in March.