The South Haven Speakers Series will explore the marijuana business in Michigan for its final engagement of the year this month.
Jennifer Rigterink, the point person on the cannabis issue for the Michigan Municipal League, will explore the economic impact and status of the cannabis industry with the topic, “Cannabis…the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.”
The presentation will be on October 26 at the South Haven campus of Lake Michigan College starting at 7 p.m.
The Michigan Municipal League advocates for cities, towns and villages. In her role as Assistant Director of State and Federal Affairs, Rigterink has worked with many communities as they process what to do in their own municipalities.
Michigan voters chose in 2018 to legalize the recreational use of marijuana by a 56% vote. State-licensed sales of recreational cannabis began in December of 2019 and have boomed ever since.
It’s estimated that monthly sales of marijuana in Michigan is approximately $60 million, according to the Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency.
In Van Buren County, six municipalities, including South Haven Township, allow the sale of recreational marijuana.