Health officials: get vaccinated ahead of winter


With the winter approaching, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is urging everyone to be prepared for illness by getting vaccinated.

Michigan Chief Medical Executive Natasha Bagdasarian tells us the new COVID shot is now available. She says we’ve moved into a new era in which COVID can be viewed as similar to the flu.

“COVID has become, or is becoming, more of a seasonal issue, and this is really what we were anticipating,” Bagdasarian said. “We were really looking for and expecting COVID to have sort of seasonal peaks and valleys, the same way other viruses do.”

Bagdasarian says with vaccines and treatments now available, a person can greatly reduce their risk of a serious illness, even if they get infected. Now is the time to do it.

“It’s a good idea to get vaccinated sometime in late September, which is right now, or into October so that you’ve got those really good antibody levels in the coldest, darkest winter months when these viruses tend to spread the most.”

Bagdasarian says everyone should also get vaccinated against the flu. She notes the federal government still gives out free COVID tests, which can be ordered at

Bagdasarian asks those who are feeling ill to get tested, stay at home, or wear a mask when going out.

More information about MDHHS-sponsored testing is available at