MSU Extension holding cooking contest in Van Buren County


The Michigan State University Extension office in Van Buren County is planning a cooking contest. 4-H Educator Janice Zerbe tells us they’ve held baking contests in the past for 4-H students only, but they’re opening it up to everyone this year. Also new is a category for preserves. Those who enter are invited to submit items they’ve baked and items they’ve preserved. Zerpe said the new category was added this year as canning becomes increasingly popular with locals.

“I think they’re trying to save money and save the vegetables and fruits that they may have in their gardens, or that they may get locally, so they have them in the winter,” Zerpe said.

Zerpe says those wishing to enter the contest can stop by the Van Buren Youth Fairgrounds on September 17. Desserts have to be dropped off between 12 and 12:30, while preserves need to be dropped off by 11 a.m.

Baking and preservation contest with the following rules:



Bring a pie or cake to the Van Buren Youth Fairgrounds, Hartford, Michigan, between 12:00 noon and 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, September 17, 2023.

1. The contest is open to anyone of any age, wishing to bake a pie or cake.

2. Dessert MUST be checked in by 12:30 p.m. on contest day.

3. Dessert must be made from a home-made recipe, not a commercial mix. All recipes must be turned in complete with an ingredient list, with the recipe name and contestant name.

4. Desserts that need special handling, refrigeration or heating elements are not allowed. The finished dessert cannot contain raw/uncooked eggs.
5. Disposable pans are recommended, as pans will not be returned.

6. Desserts will be scored on overall flavor, taste, texture, doneness, consistency, creativity, originality. Judges will not know the contestant’s names. The judge’s decision will be final. Winners will be announced immediately following judging.

7. Top two winners in adult and junior categories will receive ribbons.

8. Judged desserts will be distributed during the 4-H Awards Banquet. If you wish to bake a dessert and not have it judged, it will happily be accepted and distributed as part of the banquet.


Bring a preserved item to the Van Buren Youth Fairgrounds, Hartford, Michigan, between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 17, 2023. This competition includes not just canned food, but also vinegars, dried/preserved meat, pesto, condiments.

Fruit (Sauces, too)
Vegetable (sauces, too)
Pickled or Relish
Meat (sauces, too)

1. The contest is open to anyone of any age.
2. Preserved items MUST be checked in by 11:00 a.m. on contest day.
3. Preserved items must be made from a home-made recipe, not a commercial mix. All recipes must be turned in complete with an ingredient list, with the recipe name and contestant name.
4. Preserves that need special handling, refrigeration or heating elements are not allowed. The preserved food cannot contain raw/uncooked eggs.
5. Containers will not be returned.
6. Preserves will be scored on overall flavor, texture, doneness, preservation expectation, creativity, originality, and recipe. Judges will not know the contestant’s names. The judges’ decision will be final. Winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony later in the afternoon.
7. Top two winners in adult and junior categories will receive ribbons.
8. Judged preserves will be distributed during the 4-H Awards Banquet

For more information on the backing or food preservation contests contact Denise Noble,