Congressman Bill Huizenga has sent a letter to Governor Gretchen Whitmer calling on her to seek an exemption for Allegan, Berrien, and Muskegon counties from EPA rules on air quality that he says could harm the local economy.
Huizenga says the EPA this fall reclassified Berrien, parts of Allegan, and parts of Muskegon counties from marginal to moderate after they were determined to have not attained the 2015 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards. As a result, Michigan is required to revise its own rules to bring those counties back into attainment.
Huizenga says affected areas will now be subject to stricter requirements like control technology on emissions sources.
He and other members of Michigan congressional delegation say the three counties only show high smog levels because of pollution that drifts into the area from Chicago.
Huizenga was joined by Representatives Moolenaar, Scholten, and Walberg sending the letter to Whitmer asking her to do everything in her power to exempt the specified counties.