Berrien County treasurer says online property auction performed well


Berrien County’s online property auction went better than expected. Most of the properties sold and the selling prices exceeded expectations.

When a property owner fails to pay their property taxes, it eventually ends up in the county’s possession. Most times, the property is sold at public auction to cover the delinquent taxes and the proceeds are used for other county land reclamation.

Berrien County Treasurer Shelly Weich said of the 86 parcels up for sale, 69 were sold.

“We will pay off the taxes, the 247,000 in taxes, and then also I had 26 excess proceeds claims filed, and those will have to be paid out.”

The excess proceeds claims total just over 700-thousand dollars. That’s a new expense this year after a court ruled counties have to return monies over and above what is owed in taxes plus foreclosure fees.

Of the properties purchased, Weich said half were bought by people in Berrien County. The other half was split between in-Michigan and out-of-state buyers.

The 17 properties left over will be offered at auction again in September.