Huizenga supported censure of Adam Schiff


Supporting the censure of Congressman Adam Schiff this week was Congressman Bill Huizenga. The U.S. House voted mostly along party lines Wednesday to formally reprimand Schiff for his actions leading up to the first impeachment of former President Donald Trump. Huizenga tells us Schiff used his position on the House Intelligence Committee to drum up false information about Trump’s involvement with Russia. He says that led to an unnecessary impeachment.

“Trust me, Donald Trump is no wilting lily and he certainly is no angel, but this whole predication on his collusion with Russia, which turned out to be absolutely false, that was the basis for that first impeachment,” Huizenga said. “Look at the impeachment papers and what the charges where. It is all lined up with that. Adam Schiff knew differently and knew better, and yet he chose to abuse his seat at the table and falsely float these things out.”

Huizenga says Schiff will not be removed from office, but had to stand there and listen while House Speaker Kevin McCarthy read the censure. He also agrees with McCarthy’s decision this year to remove Schiff from the Intelligence Committee. Huizenga says such a vital committee should not be politicized.