Cass County Prosecutor speaks out against proposed life sentence legislation


Prosecutors around Michigan are speaking out against legislation now under consideration in Lansing that would prohibit a life in prison without parole sentence for anyone under the age of 19. Among them is Cass County Prosecutor Victor Fitz, who tells us the plan would make someone convicted of first-degree murder before 19 eligible for parole after ten years.

“We as prosecutors have banded together on this,” Fitz said. “It’s not an issue of Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal. It’s an issue of public safety and justice for the victims and their families.”

Fitz says there have been countless stories of horrific crimes committed by someone under 19, and it’s critical there be appropriate sentences in such cases.

“There’s a lot of importance in protecting the public and protecting public safety and showing that taking a life means something. It’s not something trivial.”

Fitz points to a Cass County case from 1997 in which a young man strangled his girlfriend and put her in a pre-dug grave. He also notes the Oxford High School shooter would be eligible for parole in just ten years under this plan. He’s encouraging everyone to reach out to their lawmakers to express opposition to House Bills 4160-4164 and Senate Bills 119-123.