State education budget could mean debt relief for Benton Harbor Schools


The Michigan Legislature is close to adopting an education budget, and state Representative Joey Andrews told us last week it’s looking like it will benefit southwest Michigan schools. The House version of the spending plan includes $40 million for debt relief.

“I’m really excited about the education budget,” Andrews said. “There’s a line item in there for school debt forgiveness that I believe is going to be particularly relevant for Benton Harbor. So, keep an eye on that. And the education budget, broadly, is going to bring huge investment for our schools.”

Andrews has been assured Benton Harbor will be on the list of districts to receive debt forgiveness. The House budget was approved last Wednesday, while the Senate approved its plan Thursday.

“The hope is to have all of this through conference committee and finalized by the middle of June.”

Andrews says the education budget also includes funding increases for districts. He’s been told Benton Harbor would see an extra $2 million, while St. Joseph could get $4 million.