The Berrien County Sheriff’s Department is getting a boost to its water rescue abilities thanks to a grant from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. The Berrien County Board of Commissioners this week accepted the $100,000 grant for the purchase of patrol boats to be used on local lakes. County Administrator Brian Dissette told commissioners they have someone to thank for securing the funds.
“The thank you would be to Senator Kim LaSata,” Dissette said. “While she was in office, this is something that she worked on, and through last year’s budget negotiations, she made it a point to advocate on behalf of the Cass County Sheriff and the Berrien County Sheriff. So, this grant agreement is the final step in the final step in the better part of two years worth of work.”
The grant is being used jointly by the Cass County Sheriff’s Department and the Berrien County Sheriff’s Department. Each county has to pay a 10% match to receive the funds. Dissette said he will reach out to LaSata, who is no longer in office, to thank her for her help.