Bangor students unhurt after concrete hits school bus


Everyone’s fine after a school bus loaded with students from Bangor was struck by a piece of concrete on I-94 in Kalamazoo County on Sunday morning. The Portage Department of Public Safety says four vehicles were hit by concrete near Sprinkle Road. It believes someone threw the pieces. Bangor Public Schools Superintendent Lynn Johnson tells us the high school students were westbound on I-94 shortly after midnight on their way home from a trip to Cedar Point.

“Portage police did come out, as did paramedics because shattered glass flew al the way through the bus” Johnson said. “It probably ended up with a hole the size of your fist in the driver’s windshield.”

An SUV and two semis were also hit. Johnson says after the concrete hit the bus, it pulled over and paramedics checked students for injuries. There were none. Johnson believes the concrete chunks were thrown intentionally.

“Overall, it’s just amazing to think what are people thinking if they’re throwing things at vehicles going down an expressway? The damage that they could do to property and lives.”

The bus was deemed unsafe to drive the kids all the way to Bangor with its windshield smashed, so another bus was sent to pick them up. Johnson went to the high school to meet the students upon their arrival once he got a call about what happened. He says he hopes the culprits are caught because someone could have been killed. Portage police say no suspects have been identified.