Recall petition filed against Benton Harbor School Trustee


A recall petition has been filed against Benton Harbor Area Schools Board of Education Trustee Trenton Bowens. The Berrien County Clerk’s office tells us the petition was filed April 6 by Shari Szilagyi of Benton Harbor. It says Bowens should be removed from the school board for voting against the replacement of a boiler at Benton Harbor High School at a meeting in March. Bowens wasn’t the only trustee voting against the replacement, with the motion to do so failing on a four to three vote. Nevertheless, with the recall petition now filed, there will be a clarity hearing on its language April 25 at 9:30 a.m. at the Berrien County Administration Building in St. Joseph. The clarity of the language will be determined by the county clerk, the treasurer, and a judge. If they agree the language is sufficient, the petitioner can begin collecting signatures.